
Tuesday, December 20, 2005

One word for one architecture

I was not really interested in words but just what shapes it would be or could be, but unfortunately it's true we always rely on words to make sure each ideas have considerable reason.
Words are not just tools to explain as I used to think...they're very important to ensure the logic for an image we can get.

Then I can understand the profesor's saying I must find one word for one architecture, one word which can start the story which would end with a specific image, one word which can lead me to a correct way to think to get a correct image, the answer I've been looking for.

But it's also ok to make up the reason when you can't find any correctness of an image you want to try no matter what...

Thursday, December 15, 2005

Can't sleep

It doesn't seem to let me sleep tonight because I've got to make a bit more materials to bring to school tomorrow...well, technically this afternoon so that I can get more practical advice from the professor, otherwise I would just oversleep and get nothing but his anger.

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Went to drink

Today I went out with a friend I haven't seen since I left London to Kichi-jo-ji, where there are lots of nice shops.

Monday, December 12, 2005

No title

I don't have time to say much here again.
It was a very cold day and maybe I got a new idea I can use.

Saturday, December 10, 2005

The murderer was a 23 teacher

I heard an unbelievable news that a temporary teacher who is a 23 years old university student like me stabbed and killed a student at a cram school in Kyoto.
Never could I understand how he could've done this. Students are meant to be loved and protected, not only taught by teachers and I've never thought the absolutely opposite way would happen.

End the night

I overslept for the meeting to get some help from freshmen.
Missing it itself doesn't really matter but what matters is... it's obvious that I really should be able to get up in morning at least not afternoon. I terribly felt that and I decided to go to bed far earlier than yesterday, NOW.

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Playing tennis alone

My masticatory muscle seems to be ok.
Today I enjoyed playing tennis against a wall at a park, where the wall was occupied by lots of kids practicing baseball when I came yesterday and fortunately today they were playing baseball at the another place in the same field.
It was also fun to throw back balls they missed, but I think I'll go there tomorrow morning, at least before noon while kids are in school to make sure I can play enough and not to take children's place to play.
I hope I can continue the good exercise as a new habit.

Overworking Masticatory muscles

I went to the eating house I wrote about here with colleagues of my temporary job again.
Today I ordered the menu which was labeled in front of me, a set meal of a beefsteak. While I was waiting I was with some kind of anxiety since I've heard both good and bad reputations about it, so I got reliefed to see that it looked alright, at least not overcooked as an article I read once on the Internet.
Actually it was really nice but one thing... I found that my jaw got tired from chewing at the very end of the meal. The meat wasn't so tough as it sounds here but anyway not so soft as well and the amount of 200g really worked...
Altoghether we had a nice dinner and nice time together.

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

A line

It took so long to update my blog in Japanese that I don't have time to write here.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005

An idea

I creased a piece of paper without deep concern and found that its shape could be used for my design I'm very worried about. Though there is still distance between this kitsch and fine architecture, maybe I can model something interesting baced on this since I just felt something close to what I wanted to make. I can be making a terible mistake and if so, I wonder if I have enough time to make it right back...probably not.

Sunday, December 04, 2005

No idea

I found this artwork of staind glass in the Victoria&Arbert Museum in London.
Writing about today I traced the map around the site of my deploma project with CAD.
It's absolutely boring but I had nothing else to do without new---at least a little newer idea which could hopefully take me out of this bloody stuck.

Saturday, December 03, 2005

Got bloated

Today my favorite eating house was on TV. It is inside of the Yokohama Central Wholesale Market and famous for its numerous variety of the menu, good value and so large amount.

When I last went there I had a raw sea urchin with the large sized rice. The urchin was nice but I should've chose
n the medium size, I got a little stomachache later.

I also found an another attracting place to eat in the TV proglamme.
It's also in a huge market in Tokyo, apparently the biggest in Japan .

Friday, December 02, 2005

What's new?

I've just started reading a book about how to create something new focusing on designing architecture.
It seems to be written for very beginners but I think still I can learn something I've wanted to know, how to think and sort my knowlege.

According to it there are basically 3 ways, deduction, induction and abduction.
In easier words, something already exists, something you feel or experience and something you newly frame a hypothesis can help you construct a new system.
Well, that's really easier to say...just I've go to keep moving my own hands.

Thursday, December 01, 2005

Got to hurry

I got an email from the mailing list of my uni , which was about applying to some younger students for help of our deploma projects.
Mine has not got concrete enough to ask them yet so the mail made me a bit uneasy.
Though many are the same and it is going to be just a briefing.

After a long silence

I think I'm going to resume this diary.
Once I give up writing , it takes ages to make it a habit again.
So even when there's not a lot of time I want to write a line, at least.
The picture above is the British Museum's Great Court which was entirely reformed by Sir Norman Foster including the circulation of the Museum.
The domed glass roof is unique and the pattern of triangles is a kind of his icon.
When I was in London I really liked going here to see an enormous amount of treasure from all around the world.